
A statically typed, general-purpose programming language, crafted for simplicity and performance.

"Trust the programmer" - corx

# Single line comment

// This initializes the vector with default values.

* A multiline comment block.
* Used to describe complex logic, important details,
* or provide additional context about the code.

* Doc comment is also supported.
* Used to describe complex logic, important details,
* or provide additional context about the code.
* @param <type> [tag] Description of the parameter.
* @return <type> Description of the return value.

# Box comment
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This topmost section is for the description of the topic it is intended for.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - These lines are for specific points that start with a [-].
# - These can have special keywords to describe parameters, return values, etc.
# - Syntax is similar to other documentation formats.
# - Example provided below.
# - @param <type> [tag] Description of the parameter.
# - @return <type> Description of the return value.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------